Web Server Monitoring Tool

IPHost Network Monitor can automatically perform checking of various web server types and has the following capabilities of web server monitoring.

  • HTTP(S) web monitoring. Periodic availability checking. A specified URL (web address) is checked. This can be a web page, a picture or any other file. Download speed is checked. The checking period can vary – from 1 second. Support of GET and POST requests with the ability to specify required individual parameters through a GET or a POST request.
  • the ability to define behavior scenarios of web site visitors and to periodically check their workability using Web Transaction monitoring. This monitoring type allows checking online operations on your web site – currency rates, purchases in online stores, and various functionals.
  • checking any TCP port numbers of a web server (not only 80 for HTTP, or 443 for HTTPS). IPHost Network Monitor attempting to connect to a certain port on the specified web server using the TCP and UDP protocol to check the connection with a remote computer through the selected port. If the connection is not established then the services have probably failed and notification is activated.
  • monitoring the SMTP, POP, IMAP mail reception and delivery server
  • monitoring the FTP file server
  • monitoring an unlimited number of web servers
  • checking DNS
  • monitoring server hardware parameters

The collected statistics will allow you to estimate the time of web site availability (uptime) and inaccessibility (downtime) for the necessary period, the speed of downloading of pages, and the size of pages.

Our monitoring program watches over your web site and web applications 24 hours a day. As soon as IPHost Network Monitor detects problem in the availability of web resources a notification of failure or glitch in a web server work will be sent to you. The flexible notification system will allow you to keep track on the points in time when a web site becomes inaccessible (downtime) and when it begins to work again (uptime). You can receive notifications in different ways, by SMS, e-mail, SMS and other.

You will be informed of problems with your web server not by a sales slump or the indignation of customers. The stability and constancy of work of your web site, mail services, and web applications are a substantial part of the company’s positive image. Minimization the number of emergencies on the web site allows reducing losses for the business and improving the corporate image.

For companies that deal with hosting service providers IPHost Monitor can be used for independent testing of the quality of the provider’s services. Using the program one can carry out server uptime monitoring.

Windows Interface Screenshot

Web Interface Screenshot
Windows Interface Screenshot Web Interface Screenshot

Download the free trial of IPHost Network Monitor and start monitoring of your network and critical applications in minutes.

IPHost Network Monitor 5.4 build 14598 of May 27, 2024. File size: 112MB

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