run_time - SNMP monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP OIDs - run_time

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for run time

sm Run Start Time
smRunStartTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
The date and time when the execution started. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not started yet.
sm Run End Time
smRunEndTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
The date and time when the execution terminated. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not terminated yet.
sm Run Life Time
smRunLifeTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
This object specifies how long the script can execute. This object returns the remaining time that the script may run. The object is initialized with the value of the associated smLaunchLifeTime object and ticks backwards. The script is aborted immediately when the value reaches 0. The value of this object may be set in order to increase or reduce the remaining time that the script may run. Setting this value to 0 will abort script execution immediately, and, if the value of smRunExpireTime is also 0, will remove this entry from the smRunTable once it has terminated. If smRunLifeTime is set to its maximum value (2147483647), either by a set operation or by its initialization from the smLaunchLifeTime object, then it will not tick backwards. A running script with a maximum smRunLifeTime value will thus never be terminated with a `lifeTimeExceeded' exit code. The value of smRunLifeTime reflects the real-time execution time as seen by the outside world. The value of this object will always be 0 for a script that finished execution, that is smRunState has the value `terminated'. The value of smRunLifeTime does not change while a script is suspended, that is smRunState has the value `suspended'. Note that this does not affect set operations. It is legal to modify smRunLifeTime via set operations while a script is suspended.
sm Run Expire Time
smRunExpireTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
The value of this object specifies how long this row can exist in the smRunTable after the script has terminated. This object returns the remaining time that the row may exist before it is aged out. The object is initialized with the value of the associated smLaunchExpireTime object and ticks backwards. The entry in the smRunTable is destroyed when the value reaches 0 and the smRunState has the value `terminated'. The value of this object may be set in order to increase or reduce the remaining time that the row may exist. Setting the value to 0 will destroy this entry as soon as the smRunState has the value `terminated'.
sm Run Result Time
smRunResultTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
The date and time when the smRunResult was last updated. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunResult has not yet been updated after the creation of this smRunTable entry.
sm Run Error Time
smRunErrorTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
The date and time when the smRunError was last updated. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunError has not yet been updated after the creation of this smRunTable entry.
ups Run Time Calibration
upsRunTimeCalibration (defined in ups2-mib)
This object may be written to initiate or terminate the test used to calibrate the returned run time value. This test will only run if battery capacity is 100%. Results of this test can be retrieved by upsEstimatedRunTimeRemaining. Valid values for writing are 1 (initiate test) and 2 (terminate test). In addition, this object may be read to determine whether the test is currently running. Valid values for reading are 3 (test is in progress) and 4 (test is not in progress).
ups Estimated Run Time Remaining
upsEstimatedRunTimeRemaining (defined in ups2-mib)
The UPS's estimated remaining run time in minutes. The UPS may be queried when operating in the on-line, bypass, or on-battery modes of operation. The run time estimate is based on available battery capacity and output load.
Cisco Embedded Event Manager Registered Policy Run Time
ceemRegisteredPolicyRunTime (defined in CISCO-EMBEDDED-EVENT-MGR-MIB)
The last time the policy was run. It is stored as a 32-bit count of seconds since 0000 UTC, 1 January, 1970.
ad Gen AOS Proc Run Time
adGenAOSProcRunTime (defined in ADTRAN-AOSCPU)
Total amount of time spent executing this process. Result is in usec.
ups Adv Battery Run Time Remaining
upsAdvBatteryRunTimeRemaining (defined in PowerNet-MIB)
The UPS battery run time remaining before battery exhaustion.
ups Adv Config Low Battery Run Time
upsAdvConfigLowBatteryRunTime (defined in PowerNet-MIB)
The desired run time of the UPS, in seconds, once the low battery condition is reached. Allowed values are 120, 300, 420, or 600 seconds. During this time the UPS will produce a constant warning tone which can not be disabled. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets the value as the next higher acceptable value. If the provided value is higher than the highest acceptable value, the highest acceptable value is used.
sys Appl Past Run Time Ended
sysApplPastRunTimeEnded (defined in SYSAPPL-MIB)
The DateAndTime the application instance was determined to be no longer running.
sys Appl Elmt Run Time Started
sysApplElmtRunTimeStarted (defined in SYSAPPL-MIB)
The time the process was started.
sys Appl Elmt Past Run Time Started
sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStarted (defined in SYSAPPL-MIB)
The time the process was started.
sys Appl Elmt Past Run Time Ended
sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded (defined in SYSAPPL-MIB)
The time the process ended.
sys Appl Past Run Tbl Time Limit
sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit (defined in SYSAPPL-MIB)
The maximum time in seconds which an entry in the sysApplPastRunTable may exist before it is removed. Any entry that is older than this value will be removed (aged out) from the table. Note that an entry may be aged out prior to reaching this time limit if it is the oldest entry in the table and must be removed to make space for a new entry so as to not exceed sysApplPastRunMaxRows.
sys Appl Elem Past Run Tbl Time Limit
sysApplElemPastRunTblTimeLimit (defined in SYSAPPL-MIB)
The maximum time in seconds which an entry in the sysApplElemPastRunTable may exist before it is removed. Any entry that is older than this value will be removed (aged out) from the table. Note that an entry may be aged out prior to reaching this time limit if it is the oldest entry in the table and must be removed to make space for a new entry so as to not exceed sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows.
cva Module Run Time Failure Cause
cvaModuleRunTimeFailureCause (defined in CISCO-VOICE-APPS-MIB)
The application module run-time failure cause code. other: Other or unspecified failure readAccessFailure: Read Access failure writeAccessFailure: Write Access failure createFailure: Resource Creation failure deleteFailure: Resource Deletion failure updateFailure: Update failure initFailure: Initialization failure loadFailure: Resource Load failure outOfResource: Out of Resource callProcessFailure: Call Processing failure registrationFailure: Registration failure deRegistrationFailure: De-Registration failure connectionFailure: Connection failure disconnectionFailure: Desconnection failure unknownTarget: Unknown Target/destination unReacheableTarget: UnReacheable Target/destination
Cisco Xdsl Test Bert Run Time
cXdslTestBertRunTime (defined in CISCO-XDSL-LINE-MIB)
This value represents the BERT run time in seconds, the value may not be available until completion of the test.

MIBs list