protocol_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - protocol_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for protocol statistics

x25 Statistics In Accused Of Protocol Errors
x25StatInAccusedOfProtocolErrors (defined in rfc1382)
The number of packets received containing a procedure error cause code. These include clear, reset, restart, or diagnostic packets.
sdlc Port Statistics Protocol Errors
sdlcPortStatsProtocolErrs (defined in rfc1747)
This object reflects the total number of times that the SDLC link stations on this port have deactivated the link as a result of having received a protocol violation from the adjacent link station. This object is initialized to zero when the port is created.
sdlc Link Stations Statistics Protocol Errors
sdlcLSStatsProtocolErrs (defined in rfc1747)
This object reflects the total occurrences, since link station startup, where this SDLC link station has inactivated the link as a result of receiving a frame from its adjacent link station which was in violation of the protocol. At link station startup time, this object must be initialized to zero.
Cabletron Nat Connection Statistics Protocol
ctNatConnStatsProtocol (defined in ctron-nat-mib)
This is the type of IP protocol used by this active connection. Options are 1 = ICMP, 6 = TCP and 17 = UDP.
Token Ring Statistics Ring Protocol Tcp Ip Frames
tRingStatsRingProtocolTcpIpFrames (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the count of TCP/IP frames seen on this ring.
Token Ring Statistics Ring Protocol Banyan Frames
tRingStatsRingProtocolBanyanFrames (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the count of Banyan frames seen on this ring.
Token Ring Statistics Ring Protocol Lan Net Manager Frames
tRingStatsRingProtocolLanNetMgrFrames (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the count of LAN Network Manager frames seen on this ring.
Token Ring Statistics Ring Protocol Other Frames
tRingStatsRingProtocolOtherFrames (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the count of all other frame types seen on this ring.
Enterasys Nat Statistics Translation Protocol Rules Count
etsysNatStatsTranslationProtocolRulesCount (defined in enterasys-nat-mib)
The number of etsysNatTranslationProtocolRulesEntry in the etsysNatTranslationProtocolRulesTable
ALTIGA L2tp Statistics Local Protocol Versions
alL2tpStatsLocalProtVers (defined in ALTIGA-L2TP-STATS-MIB)
This object describes the protocol version and revision of the local implementation. The first octet contains the protocol version. The second octet contains the protocol revision.
ALTIGA L2tp Statistics Tunnel Remote Protocol Version
alL2tpStatsTunnelRemoteProtocolVersion (defined in ALTIGA-L2TP-STATS-MIB)
This object describes the protocol version and revision of the tunnel peers implementation. The first octet contains the protocol version. The second octet contains the protocol revision.
ALTIGA Pptp Statistics Local Protocol Versions
alPptpStatsLocalProtVers (defined in ALTIGA-PPTP-STATS-MIB)
This object describes the protocol version and revision of the local implementation. The first octet contains the protocol version. The second octet contains the protocol revision.
ALTIGA Pptp Statistics Tunnel Peer Protocol Versions
alPptpStatsTunnelPeerProtVers (defined in ALTIGA-PPTP-STATS-MIB)
This object describes the protocol version and revision of the tunnel peers implementation. The first octet contains the protocol version. The second octet contains the protocol revision.
Cisco Content Service Protocol Statistics Table
ccsProtocolStatsTable (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
This table contains the traffic related statistics for two categories of protocols. The first category of protocols are identified using the protocol handlers of the entity which provides the content services. These typically includes protocols like http, ftp, rtsp, sip, pop3, imap, smtp, wap and dns which use well-known ports and for which deep packet inspection upto the application layer has been performed. The second category contains those protocols which have been identified using the NBAR classification engine and are known as NBAR protocols. These typically consist of the various peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols which do not use a standard port range. This table is indexed on entPhysicalIndex which identifies the entity that provides the content services, ccspsInspectionMethod which denotes the type of inspection method used to identify the protocol, and ccspsProtocolName which is the name of the protocol.
Cisco Content Service Protocol Statistics Entry
ccsProtocolStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
Each row in this table contains the traffic related statistics for a supported application layer protocol. An entry is added in this table when the traffic for a given protocol passes for the first time through the entity which provides the content services. An entry is deleted from this table when the corresponding entity denoted by the entPhysicalIndex is removed from the entityMIB.
cisco Content Service Protocol Statistics Group
ciscoContentServiceProtocolStatsGroup (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
A collection of objects providing the traffic related protocol statistics.
Cisco Crypto Accelerator Protocol Statistics Table
ccaProtocolStatsTable (defined in CISCO-CRYPTO-ACCELERATOR-MIB)
The crypto accelerator statistics catalogued by security protocol causing the activity. There is only entry in this table for each security protocol listed in the textual convention 'CAProtocolType'.
Cisco Crypto Accelerator Protocol Statistics Entry
ccaProtocolStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CRYPTO-ACCELERATOR-MIB)
Each entry contains the statistics corresponding to a specific security protocol.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Local Statistics Total Packets In
cdbpLocalStatsTotalPacketsIn (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
The total number of packets received by Diameter Base Protocol.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics Table
cdbpPeerStatsTable (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
The table listing the Diameter peer statistics.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics State
cdbpPeerStatsState (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
Connection state in the Peer State Machine of the peer with which this Diameter server is communicating. closed(1) - Connection closed with this peer. waitConnAck(2) - Waiting for an acknowledgment from this peer. waitICEA(3) - Waiting for a Capabilities-Exchange- Answer from this peer. elect(4) - When the peer and the server are both trying to bring up a connection with each other at the same time. An election process begins which determines which socket remains open. waitReturns(5) - Waiting for election returns. r-open(6) - Responder transport connection is used for communication. i-open(7) - Initiator transport connection is used for communication. closing(8) - Actively closing and doing cleanup.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics AS As In
Number of Abort-Session-Answer messages received from the peer.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics AC As Out
Number of Accounting-Answer messages sent to the peer.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics CE As In
Number of Capabilities-Exchange-Answer messages received from the peer.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics DW Rs In
Number of Device-Watchdog-Request messages received from the peer.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics DW As In
Number of Device-Watchdog-Answer messages received from the peer.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics DP As In
Number of Disconnect-Peer-Answer messages received.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics RA Rs Out
Number of Re-Auth-Request messages sent.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics Acc Retransmitted
cdbpPeerStatsAccRetrans (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
The number of Diameter Accounting-Request packets retransmitted to this Diameter server.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics H By H Dropped Messages
cdbpPeerStatsHByHDropMessages (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
An answer message that is received with an unknown hop-by-hop identifier. Does not include accounting requests dropped.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics Protocol Errors
cdbpPeerStatsProtocolErrors (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
This object represents the Number of protocol errors returned to peer, but not including redirects.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Statistics Transport Down
cdbpPeerStatsTransportDown (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
This object represents the Number of unexpected transport failures.

MIBs list