How to monitor Priority for WMI Win32_Thread ?

With IPHost Network Monitor you can run WMI Priority monitoring of various devices in your network.

To create a WMI monitor for Priority, provide host name (it must be a Windows host) and specify custom WQL query:

SELECT Priority FROM Win32_Thread

The Priority property indicates the dynamic priority of the thread. Each thread has a dynamic priority that the scheduler uses to determine which thread to execute. Initially, a thread's dynamic priority is the same as its base priority. The system can raise and lower the dynamic priority, to ensure that it is responsive (guaranteeing that no threads are starved for processor time). The system does not boost the priority of threads with a base priority level between 16 and 31. Only threads with a base priority between 0 and 15 receive dynamic priority boosts. Higher numbers indicate higher priorities.

The Win32_Thread class represents a thread of execution.While a process must have one thread of execution, the process can create other threads to execute tasks in parallel. Threads share the process environment, thus multiple threads under the same process use less memory than the same number of processes.

IPHost Network Monitor is an advanced and easy tool for monitoring LAN and WAN networks, network servers, workstations and TCP/IP devices. Use IPHost Network Monitor to monitor your servers, domains, computers and devices.