How to monitor Power Management Supported for WMI Win32_PCMCIAController ?

With IPHost Network Monitor you can run WMI Power Management Supported monitoring of various devices in your network.

To create a WMI monitor for Power Management Supported, provide host name (it must be a Windows host) and specify custom WQL query:

SELECT PowerManagementSupported FROM Win32_PCMCIAController

Boolean indicating that the Device can be power managed - ie, put into a power save state. This boolean does not indicate that power management features are currently enabled, or if enabled, what features are supported. Refer to the PowerManagementCapabilities array for this information. If this boolean is false, the integer value 1, for the string, "Not Supported", should be the only entry in the PowerManagementCapabilities array.

The Win32_PCMCIAController class manages the capabilities of a Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Adapter (PCMCIA of PC card) controller device.

IPHost Network Monitor is an advanced and easy tool for monitoring LAN and WAN networks, network servers, workstations and TCP/IP devices. Use IPHost Network Monitor to monitor your servers, domains, computers and devices.