How to monitor Action ID for WMI Win32_BindImageAction ?

With IPHost Network Monitor you can run WMI Action ID monitoring of various devices in your network.

To create a WMI monitor for Action ID, provide host name (it must be a Windows host) and specify custom WQL query:

SELECT ActionID FROM Win32_BindImageAction

The ActionID property is a unique identifier assigned to a particular action for a software element.

The BindImage action binds each executable that needs to be bound to the DLLs imported by it by computing the virtual address of each function that is imported from all DLLs. The computed virtual address is then saved in the importing image's Import Address Table (IAT). The action works on each file installed locally.

IPHost Network Monitor is an advanced and easy tool for monitoring LAN and WAN networks, network servers, workstations and TCP/IP devices. Use IPHost Network Monitor to monitor your servers, domains, computers and devices.