status_interval monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - status_interval monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for status interval

Compaq External Status External Status Interval
cpqExExternalStatusInterval (defined in CPQSTAT)
The interval, in seconds, between consecutive samples of the data.
Cisco's Airline protocol support Remote Peer Configuration Status Interval
alpsRemPeerCfgStatIntvl (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
The configured status interval timer.
Cisco's Airline protocol support Remote Peer Connection Status Interval
alpsRemPeerConnStatIntvl (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
The time interval (in seconds) between transmission of consecutive ALPS Peer Status messages. These messages are only transmitted if zero messages are received on the peer connection for a length of time greater than or equal to this timer.
Cisco CISCO DOT11 CONTEXT SERVICES Status Advt Interval
cDot11csStatusAdvtInterval (defined in CISCO-DOT11-CONTEXT-SERVICES-MIB)
This object indicates the time interval between transmission of advertisement messages.
hp Switch Ip Status Timep Poll Interval
hpSwitchIpStatTimepPollInterval (defined in hpprocurve-v2-stat)
The current client poll interval of the Time server in minute.

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