start_time monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - start_time

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for start time

par Dhcp Start Time
parDhcpStartTime (defined in DHCP-MIB)
Dhcp Server start time
par Wins Start Time
parWinsStartTime (defined in WINS-MIB)
Wins start time
host Top N Start Time
hostTopNStartTime (defined in RMON-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was last started. In other words, this is the time that the associated hostTopNTimeRemaining object was modified to start the requested report.
Acme Packet EMS Start Time
apEMSStartTime (defined in APEMS-MIB)
an event occurs.
sm Run Start Time
smRunStartTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
The date and time when the execution started. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not started yet.
host Top N Start Time
hostTopNStartTime (defined in rfc1271)
The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was last started. In other words, this is the time that the associated hostTopNTimeRemaining object was modified to start the requested report.
IBM APPN Node Link Stations Start Time
ibmappnNodeLsStartTime (defined in rfc1593)
The time (in hundredth of seconds) this link station has been active the last time since the time APPN was initialized.
ups Test Start Time
upsTestStartTime (defined in rfc1628)
The value of sysUpTime at the time the test in progress was initiated, or, if no test is in progress, the time the previous test was initiated. If the value of upsTestResultsSummary is noTestsInitiated(6), upsTestStartTime has the value 0.
sna Node Operation Start Time
snaNodeOperStartTime (defined in rfc1666)
The timestamp (e.g, the Agent's sysUpTime value) at the Node activation.
host Top N Start Time
hostTopNStartTime (defined in rfc1757)
The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was last started. In other words, this is the time that the associated hostTopNTimeRemaining object was modified to start the requested report.
sfps L4 CDR Active Flow Start Time
sfpsL4CDRActiveFlowStartTime (defined in ctron-sfps-l4ss-mib)
The time elapsed since this flow was created.
sfps L4 CDR Termed Flow Start Time
sfpsL4CDRTermedFlowStartTime (defined in ctron-sfps-l4ss-mib)
The time elapsed since this flow was created.
sfps Block Resolve Table Start Time
sfpsBlockResolveTableStartTime (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The value of sysUpTime when blocking of this request object was started.
rbtws Client Session Start Time
rbtwsClientSessionStartTime (defined in rbtws-trap-mib)
The start time of a client session, relative to the sysUptime. This object is used within notifications and is not accessible. Obsolete. Do not use it because it's not vital information and often *cannot* be implemented to match the declared semantics: a client session might have been created on another wireless switch, *before* the current switch booted (the local zero of sysUptime).
Enterasys Port Web Authentication Authentication Session Start Time
etsysPwaAuthSessionStartTime (defined in enterasys-pwa-mib)
The start time of the session in hundredths of seconds since reset.
bsn Local Net User Start Time
bsnLocalNetUserStartTime (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
This object indicates the time when the guest user account was created and expressed as the number of seconds elapsed since 1st Jan, 1970.
ALTIGA Filter Statistics Start Time
alFilterStatsStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-FILTER-STATS-MIB)
Start time the filter became active.
ALTIGA Http Statistics Session Start Time
alHttpStatsSessionStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-HTTP-STATS-MIB)
Login time of this session.
ALTIGA Active Session Start Time
alActiveSessionStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this session was established.
ALTIGA Active Session Throughput Start Time
alActiveSessionThroughputStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this session was established.
ALTIGA Active Session Data Start Time
alActiveSessionDataStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this session was established.
ALTIGA Active Session Duration Start Time
alActiveSessionDurationStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this session was established.
ALTIGA Ssh Statistics Session Start Time
alSshStatsSessionStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-SSH-STATS-MIB)
Login time of this session.
atm Accounting Start Time
atmAcctngStartTime (defined in ATM-ACCOUNTING-INFORMATION-MIB)
The time when the connection was established.
Cisco ATM Matrix Top N Control Start Time
atmMatrixTopNControlStartTime (defined in ATM-RMON-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was last started. In other words, this is the time that the associated atmMatrixTopNControlTimeRemaining object was modified to start the requested report or the time the report was last automatically (re)started. This object may be used by the management station to determine if a report was missed or not.
Cisco BERT Start Date And Time
cbStartDateAndTime (defined in CISCO-BERT-MIB)
The Date and Time when the last BERT testing is started on the interface. This object is valid only when cbRowStatus is active(1).
Cisco 2900 Bandwidth Usage Start Time
c2900BandwidthUsageStartTime (defined in CISCO-C2900-MIB)
The time that marks the start of this recording interval.
line Test Start Time
lineTestStartTime (defined in CISCO-C6200-MIB)
Time stamp in displayable format. This is the time when the system starts the requested test.
Cisco Cable Spectrum Spectrum Request Start Time
ccsSpectrumRequestStartTime (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when the spectrum measurement operation starts.
Cisco Cable Spectrum SNR Request Start Time
ccsSNRRequestStartTime (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when the CNR measurement operation starts.
cisco Call History Start Time
ciscoCallHistoryStartTime (defined in CISCO-CALL-HISTORY-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this call history entry was created. This will be useful for an NMS to retrieve all calls after a specific time.
Cisco Call Manager Call Manager Start Time
ccmCallManagerStartTime (defined in CISCO-CCM-MIB)
The last time the local call manager service started. This is available only when the local call manager is up and running.
Cisco Cdma Session Connection Start Time
cCdmaSessionConnStartTime (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
Indicates starting date and time of a session. This value is provided by the RAN. The agent is only propagating this information.
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center General Info Start Time
cuicGeneralInfoStartTime (defined in CISCO-CUICAPPS-MIB)
This object indicates the CUIC application server starting time.
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center License Info Start Time
cuicLicenseInfoStartTime (defined in CISCO-CUICAPPS-MIB)
This object specifies the CUIC application license install time.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal Start Time
ccvpStartTime (defined in CISCO-CVP-MIB)
The start time object is thedate and time that the Customer Voice Portal application was started on this server.
Cisco CMTS Remote Query Cmts Cable Modem Poller Start Time
cdrqCmtsCmPollerStartTime (defined in CISCO-DOCS-REMOTE-QUERY-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when the last polling cycle started. cdrqCmtsCmPollerStartTime is set to 0 when the CMTS is first restarted and doesn't get reset after the poller is disabled.
Cisco Dot11 Wireless Intrusion Detection System Eapol Flood Start Time
cDot11WidsEapolFloodStartTime (defined in CISCO-DOT11-WIDS-MIB)
This object indicates the time at which the EAPOL flood event identified by one entry of this table was observed first at this radio interface.
Cisco DSPU Pu Operation Start Time
dspuPuOperStartTime (defined in CISCO-DSPU-MIB)
Timestamp of PU activation (when ACTPU +rsp received).
Cisco Enhanced IP Sec Tunnel History Start Time
ceipSecTunHistStartTime (defined in CISCO-ENHANCED-IPSEC-FLOW-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime in hundredths of seconds when the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel was started.
Cisco Fibre Channel Congestion Control Last Congestion Start Time
cFCCLastCongestionStartTime (defined in CISCO-FCC-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime at the most recent time the congestion state (value of corresponding instance of 'cFCCCurrentCongestionState') of the Port changed from 'noCongestion' to some other value. 0 if the congestion state of the Port has never transitioned from 'noCongestion' to some other value since the last restart of the device.

MIBs list