session_data monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - session_data monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for session data

sna Lu Session Sense Data
snaLuSessnSenseData (defined in rfc1666)
The value identifies the sense code when there is a BIND failure. It is taken from the negative BIND response or UNBIND request. This is displayed as 8 hexadecimal digits.
ALTIGA Active Session Throughput Top Ten Data
alActiveSessionThroughputTopTenData (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
Placeholder for the data used to sort the top ten lists.
ALTIGA Active Session Data Start Time
alActiveSessionDataStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this session was established.
ALTIGA Active Session Data Connect Time
alActiveSessionDataConnectTime (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The total amount of time, in seconds that this session has been established.
ALTIGA Active Session Data Octets Sent
alActiveSessionDataOctetsSent (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The total number of octets transmitted over this session.
ALTIGA Active Session Data Group Name
alActiveSessionDataGroupName (defined in ALTIGA-SESSION-STATS-MIB)
The groupname used to establish this session.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Session Not Found Data Packets Drops
cagwSessionNotFoundDataPktsDrops (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
The number of data packets dropped due to session not found for the GRE key.
Cisco Cable Metering Collection Data Per Session
ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession (defined in CISCO-CABLE-METERING-MIB)
This object specifies the number of service flow data that would be collected at a Cable linecard in one session. ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession together with ccmtrCollectionDataTimer aims to control as well as throttle the rate of export of the service flow data from the Cable linecard to the Route Processor. This means that a Cable linecard would collect ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession number of service flow data and then pause for ccmtrCollectionDataTimer before resuming collection. The cable linecard to route processor throttling in turn affects the time to export all of the service flow data from the CMTS to a collection server. Time to export (minutes) = (total flows in system * ccmtrCollectionDataTimer) / (ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession * 1000 * 60) This object cannot be modified during data export from the CMTS to a collection server.
l2t Session Data Recv Octets
l2tSessionDataRecvOctets (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number of octets received on the data tunnel for this session. This value is accumulated BEFORE determining whether or not the packet should be uncompressed.
l2t Session Data Send Octets
l2tSessionDataSendOctets (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number of octets sent on the data tunnel for this session. This value is accumulated AFTER the packet was compressed. If compression is not in use, this value will match the value of l2tSessionDataRecvUncompOctets.
l2t Session Data Flow Control Timeouts
l2tSessionDataFlowControlTimeouts (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
This object returns the total number of flow control time-outs seen on the data Tunnel for this session.
l2t History Session Data Recv Discards
l2tHistSessDataRecvDiscards (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number packets which were discarded during the data tunnels receive processing for this session.
l2t History Session Data Send Discards
l2tHistSessDataSendDiscards (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number packets which were discarded during the data tunnels send processing for this session.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Data Tx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsDataTxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of data packets transmitted to the remote session peer.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Data Tx Bytes
jnxL2tpSessionStatsDataTxBytes (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of data bytes that were transmitted to the session peer.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Data Rx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsDataRxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of data packets received on this session.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Data Rx Bytes
jnxL2tpSessionStatsDataRxBytes (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of data bytes that were received from the session peer.

MIBs list