Recover monitor- SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Recover monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for recover

mta Adm DB Recover Count
mtaAdmDBRecoverCnt (defined in GWMTA-MIB)
Number of DB recoveries performed since startup by this MTA.
GroupWise Post Office Agent Adm DB Recover Count
poaAdmDBRecoverCnt (defined in GWPOA-MIB)
Number of DB recoveries performed since startup by this POA.
Cisco ATM Interface Type Of OAM Recover
catmIntfTypeOfOAMRecover (defined in CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB)
Type of OAM Recovered
Cisco ATM PVcl Previous Recover Time
catmPVclPrevRecoverTime (defined in CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB)
The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to UP last time in the previous corresponding notification .
Cisco ATM PVcl Current Recover Time
catmPVclCurRecoverTime (defined in CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB)
The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to UP last time in the last corresponding notification .

MIBs list