life_time monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - life_time

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for life time

PNNIx Ptse Life Time
pnnixPtseLifeTime (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
The value of the remaining lifetime for the given PTSE as it appears in the local topology database.
sm Launch Life Time
smLaunchLifeTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
The default maximum amount of time a script launched from this entry may run. The value of this object is used to initialize the smRunLifeTime object when a script is launched. Changing the value of an smLaunchLifeTime instance does not affect scripts previously launched from this entry.
sm Run Life Time
smRunLifeTime (defined in DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB)
This object specifies how long the script can execute. This object returns the remaining time that the script may run. The object is initialized with the value of the associated smLaunchLifeTime object and ticks backwards. The script is aborted immediately when the value reaches 0. The value of this object may be set in order to increase or reduce the remaining time that the script may run. Setting this value to 0 will abort script execution immediately, and, if the value of smRunExpireTime is also 0, will remove this entry from the smRunTable once it has terminated. If smRunLifeTime is set to its maximum value (2147483647), either by a set operation or by its initialization from the smLaunchLifeTime object, then it will not tick backwards. A running script with a maximum smRunLifeTime value will thus never be terminated with a `lifeTimeExceeded' exit code. The value of smRunLifeTime reflects the real-time execution time as seen by the outside world. The value of this object will always be 0 for a script that finished execution, that is smRunState has the value `terminated'. The value of smRunLifeTime does not change while a script is suspended, that is smRunState has the value `suspended'. Note that this does not affect set operations. It is legal to modify smRunLifeTime via set operations while a script is suspended.
clnp Default Life Time
clnpDefaultLifeTime (defined in rfc1238)
The default value inserted into the Lifetime field of the CLNP PDU header of PDUs sourced by this entity.
Compaq Server Health Sys Utilization Life Time
cpqHeSysUtilLifeTime (defined in CPQHLTH)
The total time (in minutes) the system has been in full operation (while the server health supporting software was running).
Cisco's Airline protocol support Circuit Base Life Time Timer
alpsCktBaseLifeTimeTimer (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
A data message that has been queued within the router for longer than this interval will be dropped.
Cisco's Airline protocol support Circuit Base Drops Life Time Expd
alpsCktBaseDropsLifeTimeExpd (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
Number of packets which were queued within the router for longer than alpsCktBaseLifeTimeTimer.
Cisco Cdma Session Registration Life Time
cCdmaSessionRegLifeTime (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The amount of time, measured in hundredths of a second, granted before registration is considered expired.
Cisco Cdma RP Registration Life Time Zero Requests
cCdmaRPRegLifeTimeZeroRequests (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The number of valid registration requests received with life time zero since system was last restarted.
Cisco Dot11 Csc Registration Life Time
cDot11CscRegistrationLifeTime (defined in CISCO-DOT11-CONTEXT-SERVICES-CLIENT-MIB)
The maximum time after which the registration of this 802.11 station with its parent WDS entity expires.
Cisco Dot11 Context Services Manager Clnt Regist Life Time
cDot11CsMgrClntRegistLifeTime (defined in CISCO-DOT11-CONTEXT-SERVICES-MANAGER-MIB)
The maximum time after which the registration of the 802.11 station with its parent WDS entity expires.
Cisco Enhanced IP Sec Tunnel Life Time
ceipSecTunLifeTime (defined in CISCO-ENHANCED-IPSEC-FLOW-MIB)
The negotiated LifeTime of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel in seconds. If the tunnel was setup manually, the value of this MIB element should be 0.
Cisco Enhanced IP Sec Tunnel Security Association Life Time Threshold
ceipSecTunSaLifeTimeThreshold (defined in CISCO-ENHANCED-IPSEC-FLOW-MIB)
The security association LifeTime refresh threshold in seconds. If the tunnel was setup manually, the value of this MIB element should be 0.
Cisco Enhanced IP Sec Tunnel History Life Time
ceipSecTunHistLifeTime (defined in CISCO-ENHANCED-IPSEC-FLOW-MIB)
The negotiated LifeTime of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel in seconds.

MIBs list