history_collection - SNMP monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP OIDs - history_collection

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for history collection

Cisco Entity Sensor History Collection Invalid Intervals
ceshCollectionInvalidIntervals (defined in CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-HISTORY-MIB)
This object indicates the number of intervals in the range of '0' to the value of the corresponding instance of ceshCollectionIntervals, for which no data is available. The value of this column will typically be '0', except in certain circumstances when some intervals are not available.
Cisco Entity Sensor History Collection Algorithm
ceshCollectionAlgorithm (defined in CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-HISTORY-MIB)
This object indicates the algorithm used in collecting historic data from the corresponding sensor.
Cisco Entity Sensor History Collection Interval Entry
ceshCollectionIntervalEntry (defined in CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-HISTORY-MIB)
An entry describes the data collected for an interval. The system creates a row in the ceshCollectionIntervalTable after it has sampled a sample for a given collection. The maximum allowable entries for a collection should be less than or equal to the value specified by ceshCollectionMaxIntervals instance. Once number of entries is equal to ceshCollectionMaxIntervals, then the system destroys the lease recent row from the collection before creating a new one. An agent destroys all conceptual entries corresponding to a physical entity upon removal of the physical entity.
Cisco Entity Sensor History Collection Interval Sensor Value
ceshCollectionIntervalSensorValue (defined in CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-HISTORY-MIB)
This object indicates the sensor value for the corresponding physical entity during the interval. To correctly display or interpret this variable's value, you must also know the sensor's type, scale, and precision indicated by the corresponding entry in the entPhySensorTable (defined by the ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB) or entSensorValueTable (defined by the CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB).
Round Trip Time Monitor History Collection Table
rttMonHistoryCollectionTable (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
The history collection database. The history table contains a point by point rolling history of the most recent RTT operations for each conceptual RTT control row. The rolling history of this information is maintained in a series of 'live(s)', each containing a series of 'bucket(s)', each 'bucket' contains a series of 'sample(s)'. Each conceptual history row can have lives. A life is defined by the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object. A new life will be created when rttMonCtrlOperState transitions 'active'. When the number of lives become greater than rttMonHistoryAdminNumLives the oldest life will be discarded and a new life will be created by incrementing the index. The path exploration RTT operation will be kept as an entry in this table.
Round Trip Time Monitor History Collection Life Index
rttMonHistoryCollectionLifeIndex (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
This uniquely defines a life for a conceptual history row. For a particular value of rttMonHistoryCollectionLifeIndex, the agent assigns the first value of 1, the second value of 2, and so on. The sequence keeps incrementing, despite older (lower) values being removed from the table.
Round Trip Time Monitor History Collection Appl Specific Sense
rttMonHistoryCollectionApplSpecificSense (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
An application specific sense code for the completion status of the last RTT operation. This object will only be valid when the rttMonHistoryCollectionSense object is set to 'applicationSpecific'. Otherwise, this object's value is not valid.
Round Trip Time Monitor History Collection Sense Description
rttMonHistoryCollectionSenseDescription (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
A sense description for the completion status of the last RTT operation when the rttMonHistoryCollectionSense object is set to 'applicationSpecific'.
Cisco Round Trip Time Monitor IP History Collection Table
crttMonIPHistoryCollectionTable (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-IP-EXT-MIB)
An extension of the rttMonHistoryCollectionTable, defined in the CISCO-RTTMON-MIB, which provides the additional capability of specifying the target address as an IPv6 address.
Cisco Round Trip Time Monitor IP History Collection Entry
crttMonIPHistoryCollectionEntry (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-IP-EXT-MIB)
A list of additional objects needed for IPv6 addresses.
Cisco Round Trip Time Monitor IP History Collection Addr Type
crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddrType (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-IP-EXT-MIB)
An enumerated value which specifies the address type of the target. This object must be used along with the crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddress object as it identifies the address family of the address specified by that object. If the value of crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddress is a zero-length string (e.g., because an IPv4 address is specified by rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress), this object contains the value 'unknown'.
Cisco Round Trip Time Monitor IP History Collection Address
crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddress (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-IP-EXT-MIB)
A string which specifies the address of the target. This object, in conjunction with the crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddrType object, may be used to specify either an IPv6 or an IPv4 address and is an alternative to the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object, which can only specify an IPv4 address. In case the target is a V4 IP address then both crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddrType/ crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddress AND rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress may be used to specify it so long as both try to specify the same V4 IP address. Alternatively only one of rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress OR crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddrType/ crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddress may be used to specify the V4 IP address, in which case the other may either not be instantiated or contain a zero length string. In case the the target is a V6 IP address then only crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddrType/ crttMonIPHistoryCollectionAddress must be used and rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress may not be instantiated or may have a zero length string.

MIBs list