Filename monitor- SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Filename monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for filename

log Match Filename
logMatchFilename (defined in UCD-SNMP-MIB)
filename to be logmatched
els100 Sys Tftp Filename
els100SysTftpFilename (defined in ctels100-ng-mib)
The name of the software upgrade file residing on the TFTP server. Path information must be included in the file name. This variable must be set before a TFTP download can be started with the els100SysTftpStartDownload variable.
Cabletron Flash Filename
flashFilename (defined in ct-flash-mib)
This object contains the filename of the current file.
Cabletron DL Last Image Filename
ctDLLastImageFilename (defined in ctron-download-mib)
The value of ctDLFileName during the last successful image download. This is the name of the file, on the TFTP server, that was download to become the current image.
elh100 Download Filename
elh100DownloadFilename (defined in elh100-mib)
The file name to download
agent Transfer Upload Filename
agentTransferUploadFilename (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
Transfer upload tftpfilename configures the file name for the file being uploaded from the switch. It can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. The switch remembers the last file name used. File path can be appended to the file name if the string is less than 17 characters. Otherwise, the File Path field will need to be used and the File Name will be appended to the File Path as is. An example would be File Path set to c:\tftp\code\ and File Name set to e1r1v1.opr. Note: File Name, File Path, and TFTP Server IP Address are applicable only if the Transfer Mode is TFTP.
agent Transfer Download Filename
agentTransferDownloadFilename (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
Transfer download tftpfilename configures the file name for the file being downloaded to the switch. It can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. The switch remembers the last file name used. File path can be appended to the file name if the string is less than 33 characters. Otherwise, the File Path field will need to be used and the File Name will be appended to the File Path as is. An example would be File Path set to c:\tftp\code\ and File Name set to e1r1v1.opr. Note: File Name, File Path, and TFTP Server IP Address are applicable only if the Transfer Mode is TFTP.
Cisco Common User Ssh Key Filename
ccmCommonUserSshKeyFilename (defined in CISCO-COMMON-MGMT-MIB)
The name of the file storing the SSH public key. The SSH public key is used to authenticate the SSH session for this user. Note that this object applies to only CLI user. The content within SSH Key file can be one of the following: - SSH Public Key in OpenSSH format - SSH Public Key in IETF SECSH (Commercial SSH public key format) - SSH Client Certificate in PEM (privacy-enhanced mail format) from which the public key will be extracted - SSH Client Certificate DN (Distinguished Name) for certificate based authentication This object is used to configure the SSH public key for a user. When this object is read, the agent may return a zero length string. However, the value of the corresponding instance of ccmCommonUserSshKeyConfigured should indicate if the key is configured or not.

MIBs list