SNMP change_notification monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP change_notification monitoring

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for change notification

environmental monitor Enable Statistics Change Notification
apEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif (defined in ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB)
This variable indicates whether the system produces any of the traps generated by this mib. A false value will prevent them from being generated by this system.
Enterasys Spanning Tree Diagnostic Cist Port Spanning Tree Topology Change Notification Bpdu Tx
etsysStpDiagCistPortStpTcnBpduTx (defined in enterasys-spanning-tree-diagnostic-mib)
The total number of 802.1D Topology Change Notification BPDUs transmitted on this port.
Enterasys Spanning Tree Diagnostic Cist Bridge Port Spanning Tree Topology Change Notification Bpdu Rx
etsysStpDiagCistBridgePortStpTcnBpduRx (defined in enterasys-spanning-tree-diagnostic-mib)
The total number of 802.1D Topology Change Notification BPDUs received on this port.
Cisco Application Acceleration State Change Notification Enabled
caaStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-APPLICATION-ACCELERATION-MIB)
This object represents the status of generation of the caaStateChange notification in response to a change in the state of condenser. A value of 'true' indicates that the notification generation is enabled and the caaStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. A value of 'false' indicates that the notification generation is disabled.
Cisco Network Clock Notification On Change
cncNotificationOnChange (defined in CISCO-ATM-NETWORK-CLOCK-MIB)
The value of this object determines whether a notification should be generated due to a change in the device's root clock source (given by the value of cncRootClockSource). A value of 'true' enables the generation of notifications; 'false' disables notification generation.
CISCO Express Forwarding Peer State Change Notification Enable
cefPeerStateChangeNotifEnable (defined in CISCO-CEF-MIB)
Indicates whether or not a notification should be generated on the detection of CEF peer state change.
CISCO Express Forwarding Peer FIB State Change Notification Enable
cefPeerFIBStateChangeNotifEnable (defined in CISCO-CEF-MIB)
Indicates whether or not a notification should be generated on the detection of CEF FIB peer state change.
Cisco Content Service BMA State Change Notification Enabled
ccsBMAStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
This object controls the generation of the Billing Mediation Agent state change notification (ciscoContentServicesBMAStateChange) 'true' Indicates that all BMA state change notification is enabled. 'false' Indicates that notification is disabled.
Cisco Content Service Quota Manager State Change Notification Enabled
ccsQuotaMgrStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
This object controls the generation of the Quota Manager state change notification (ciscoContentServicesQuotaMgrStateChange) 'true' Indicates that all Quota Manager state change notification is enabled. 'false' Indicates that notification is disabled.
Cisco Content Service User Db State Change Notification Enabled
ccsUserDbStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
This object controls the generation of the User Database Server state change notification (ciscoContentServicesUserDbStateChange) 'true' Indicates that all User DB state change notification is enabled. 'false' Indicates that notification is disabled.
Cisco EnergyWise Level Change Notification Enable
cewLevelChangeNotifEnable (defined in CISCO-ENERGYWISE-MIB)
This object specifies whether to enable/disable the cewLevelChange notification.
Cisco Entity Field Replaceable Unit Control Enable PS Output Change Notification
cefcEnablePSOutputChangeNotif (defined in CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB)
This variable indicates whether the system produces the cefcPowerSupplyOutputChange notifications when the output capacity of a power supply has changed. A false value will prevent this notification to generated.
cisco Environmental Monitor Enable Statistic Change Notification
ciscoEnvMonEnableStatChangeNotif (defined in CISCO-ENVMON-MIB)
This variable indicates whether the system produces the ciscoEnvMonVoltStatusChangeNotif, ciscoEnvMonTempStatusChangeNotif, ciscoEnvMonFanStatusChangeNotif and ciscoEnvMonSuppStatusChangeNotif. A false value will prevent these notifications from being generated by this system.
Cisco Flex Link Enable Status Change Notification
cflEnableStatusChangeNotif (defined in CISCO-FLEX-LINKS-MIB)
This variable indicates whether the system produces the cflIfStatusChangeNotif. A value of 'false' will prevent cflIfStatusChangeNotif.
Cisco Gtpv2 Change Notification Request
cGtpv2ChangeNotifReqs (defined in CISCO-GTPV2-MIB)
This object represents the total number of Change-Notification request messages handled by the gateway.
Cisco GPRS Tunneling Protocol Path Change Notification Request
cGtpPathChangeNotifReqs (defined in CISCO-GTPV2-MIB)
This object represents the total number of Change-Notification request messages handled on a GTP path.
Cisco GPRS Tunneling Protocol Path History Change Notification Request
cGtpPathHistChangeNotifReqs (defined in CISCO-GTPV2-MIB)
This object represents the total number of Change-Notification request messages handled on a GTP path.
cpim Ext Interface State Change Notification Enabled
cpimExtInterfaceStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-IETF-PIM-EXT-MIB)
An indication of whether ciscoIetfPimExtInterfaceUp and ciscoIetfPimExtInterfaceDown notifications are enabled.
cpim Ext RP Mapping Change Notification Enabled
cpimExtRPMappingChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-IETF-PIM-EXT-MIB)
An indication of whether the ciscoIetfPimExtRPMappingChange notification is enabled.
Cisco IP Transfer Point Signalling Points Ls State Change Notification Enabled
cItpSpLsStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-ITP-SP-MIB)
The SP linkset notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that cItpSpLinksetStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that cItpSpLinksetStateChange notification generation is disabled.
Cisco IP Transfer Point Signalling Points Lnk State Change Notification Enabled
cItpSpLnkStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-ITP-SP-MIB)
The SP link notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that cItpSpLinkStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that cItpSpLinkStateChange notification generation is disabled.
Cisco IP Transfer Point Xua State Change Notification Enabled
cItpXuaStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-ITP-XUA-MIB)
The State notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that the notification generation is enabled for ASP state changes, AS state changes, SG Mate state changes, ASP Congestion Level change and SG Mate Congestion Level change. 'false' Indicates that the notification generation is disabled for ASP state change, AS state, SG Mate state change, ASP Congestion Level change and SG Mate Congestion Level change.
Cisco GSP Ls State Change Notification Enabled
cgspLsStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-ITP-GSP-MIB)
The signalling point linkset notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that ciscoGspLinksetStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that ciscoGspLinksetStateChange notification generation is disabled.
Cisco GSP Lnk State Change Notification Enabled
cgspLnkStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-ITP-GSP-MIB)
The signalling point link notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that ciscoGspLinkStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that ciscoGspLinkStateChange notification generation is disabled.
Cisco Server Load Balancing Ft State Change Notification Enabled
cslbxFtStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB)
This object controls the generation of cslbxFtStateChange notification. 'true' Indicates that cslbxFtStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that cslbxFtStateChange notification generation is disabled.
Cisco Slb Real State Change Notification Enabled
cSlbRealStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-SLB-MIB)
The real server notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that ciscoSlbRealStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that ciscoSlbRealStateChange notification generation is disabled.
Cisco Slb V Server State Change Notification Enabled
cSlbVServerStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-SLB-MIB)
The virtual server notification truth value. This object controls the generation of following notifications: ciscoSlbVServerStateChange ciscoSlbVServerVIPStateChange 'true' Indicates whether notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates notification should not be generated. That is, the notification generation is disabled.
Cisco Slb Real Server State Change Notification Enabled
cSlbRealServerStateChangeNotifEnabled (defined in CISCO-SLB-MIB)
The real server notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that ciscoSlbRealServerStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that ciscoSlbRealServerStateChange notification generation is disabled.

MIBs list