ctron-appn-mib - nwAppnSysLuName

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Network Appn Sys Lu Name

Specifies the name of the LU being registered. The name format is LLLLLLLL where LLLLLLLL are the characters: uppercase letters A through Z, numerics 0 through 9, and the special characters $, @, and #. The first character of the name must NOT be numeric. The string must be a maximum length of 8 characters with no embedded spaces. Note that the nework identifier of the LU is taken from the fully qualified control point name of the adjacent LEN node (nwAppnSysCpName) which owns the LU.

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IPHost Network monitor uses SNMP for monitoring health and availability of devices and applications in your network. You can send a SNMP Set to any remote device to monitor a specific SNMP object (CPU, Memory, Disk, Server Temperature, RAID failures, IO statistics, connection counts, error and much more).

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