gsmCsV42TxKwindowSize - gsm Cs V42 Tx Kwindow Size

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gsm Cs V42 Tx Kwindow Size

This attribute specifies the maximum number of outstanding unacknowledged sequenced Information (I) frames from the IWF to the remote entity. The default value is 15 frames, and if this value is used then no Exchange Identification (XID) negotiations are required for txKwindowSize. If the value set for txKwindowSize is other than 15, then XID frames are exchanged to negotiate a value. The value provided for txKwindowSize sets up the bounds during XID negotiations. The IWF performs XID negotiations with this value as a minimum or maximum value. If a value greater than 15 is specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate a value between 15 (as a minimum) and the given value (as a maximum). If a value less than 15 is specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate for a value between the given value (as a minimum) and 15 (as a maximum). Any value can be specified as long at it is within the provisionable limits. However, a value equal to or close to the default is recommended. The negotiated value can be viewed in the component GsmIwfV42Op attribute txKwindowSize. Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.

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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor gsmCsV42TxKwindowSize on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Nortel multiplexers right now.

Easy monitoring of gsmCsV42TxKwindowSize with IPHost tools

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