stpxPreferredMISTPInstancesMap - stpx Preferred MISTP Instances Map - CISCO-STP-EXTENSIONS-MIB

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stpx Preferred MISTP Instances Map

A string of octets containing one bit per MISTP instances in the management domain on this trunk port. The first octet corresponds to MISTP instances with InstIndex values of 1 through 8; the second octet to MISTP instances 9 through 16; etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest value instanceIndex in that octet. The number of bits for this mib object will be determined by the value of stpxMISTPInstanceNumber. For each instance, if it is preferred on this trunk port, then the bit corresponding to that instance is set to '1'. To avoid conflicts between overlapping partial updates by multiple managers, i.e., updates which modify only a portion of an instance of this object (e.g., enable/disable a single instance on the trunk port), any SNMP Set operation accessing an instance of this object should also write the value of vlanTrunkPortSetSerialNo.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor stpxPreferredMISTPInstancesMap on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco multiplexers right now.

Easy monitoring of stpxPreferredMISTPInstancesMap with IPHost tools

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