-- automatically generated by mosy 7.1 #1 (hprnljf), do not edit! HP-ICF-8023-RPTR DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC hpicf8023RptrTraps, hpicfRepeater, hpicfObjectModules FROM HP-ICF-OID rpMauIndex, rpMauPortIndex, rpMauGroupIndex, rpMauMediaAvailable FROM MAU-MIB rptrPortAutoPartitionState FROM SNMP-REPEATER-MIB; -- created from hpicf8023RptrMib (9807162027Z) hpicf8023RptrMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfObjectModules 9 } hpRptrBasic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRepeater 1 } hpRptrBasicGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpRptrBasic 1 } hpRptrEntityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The local name of this repeater. This is the same value as hpicfEntityName in the case where there is Distributed Management Protocol to access this device. For SNMPv1, this name is appended to the agent community name to obtain a community name to use to specify that the agent should proxy to this repeater. For example, if this agent has a community with a community name of 'public', and the value of this object is 'repeater1', the community 'public/repeater1' will specify that the agent should proxy to the public community of the repeater1 box to obtain management information about this repeater. If an agent receives a management request where the localEntity is not specified, it will default to the local repeater on which this agent is executing. This object has been deprecated. Since it is a scalar, it does not scale to systems containing multiple repeater segments. In addition, it is only considered useful in systems supporting the Distributed Management Chain, which has also been deprecated." ::= { hpRptrBasicGlobal 1 } hpRptrThinlanFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* When set to 'true' this object causes the Fault Led to blink if the ThinLan Port is segmented. This object has been deprecated. It only makes sense in systems that support a single BNC port." ::= { hpRptrBasicGlobal 2 } hpRptrSqeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* When 'true', this flag indicates that SQE has been detected for the last ten agent transmits and there is a high probability that the SQE switch on the transceiver attached to the AUI port is set to Enabled, when it should be Disabled. This object has been deprecated, since it presumes that the system will only have a single AUI port. It has been replaced by the hpRptrPtSqeEnabled object." ::= { hpRptrBasicGlobal 3 } hpRptrRobustHealing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* When this flag is set to 'true', it enables robust port healing mode. The 802.3 specification states that a segmented port is healed by successfully transmitting or receiving a packet on the port. This mode disables port healing on successful packet reception and requires that a packet be successfully transmitted on a port in order for a segmented port to be healed." ::= { hpRptrBasicGlobal 4 } hpRptrBasicGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpRptrBasic 2 } hpRptrBasicGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpRptrBasicGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* HP specific extensions to the rptrGroupTable." ::= { hpRptrBasicGroup 1 } hpRptrBasicGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpRptrBasicGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* An entry in the table, containing HP extensions for a specific group." INDEX { hpRptrGrpGroupIndex } ::= { hpRptrBasicGroupTable 1 } HpRptrBasicGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpRptrGrpGroupIndex INTEGER, hpRptrGrpPortsAdminStatus OCTET STRING, hpRptrGrpPortsSegStatus OCTET STRING, hpRptrGrpPortsMediaAvailable OCTET STRING, hpRptrGrpPortsLinkbeatEnabled OCTET STRING, hpRptrGrpPortsOperStatus OCTET STRING } hpRptrGrpGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The group within the repeater for which this entry contains information. This object has the same value as the corresponding instance of rptrGroupIndex." ::= { hpRptrBasicGroupEntry 1 } hpRptrGrpPortsAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The hpRptrGrpPortsAdminStatus is a bit map of the state of the rptrPortAdminStatus object for all of the ports in this group. The object has a one bit for each port for which the value of rptrPortAdminStatus is equal to 'enabled(1)' and a zero bit for each port for which the value of rptrPortAdminStatus is equal to 'disabled(2)'. The bits are placed into the OCTET STRING in the following order: octet 0 octet 1 octet 2 ... bits 7-0 bits 7-0 bits 7-0 ... ports 1-8 ports 9-16 ports 17-24 ... Values of unused bits in the last octet are undefined." ::= { hpRptrBasicGroupEntry 2 } hpRptrGrpPortsSegStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The hpRptrGrpPortsSegStatus is a bit map of the state of the rptrPortAutoPartitionState of all of the ports in this group. The object has a one bit for each port for which the value of rptrPortAutoPartitionState is equal to 'notAutoPartitioned(1)' and a zero bit for each port for which the value of rptrPortAutoPartitionState is equal to 'autoPartitioned(2)'. The bits are placed into the OCTET STRING in the following order: octet 0 octet 1 octet 2 ... bits 7-0 bits 7-0 bits 7-0 ... ports 1-8 ports 9-16 ports 17-24 ... Values of unused bits in the last octet are undefined." ::= { hpRptrBasicGroupEntry 3 } hpRptrGrpPortsMediaAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The hpRptrGrpPortsMediaAvailable is a bit map of the state of the rpMauMediaAvailable object for all of the ports in this group. The object has a one bit for each port for which the value of rpMauMediaAvailable is equal to 'available(3)' and a zero bit for each port for which the value of rpMauMediaAvailable is not equal to 'available(3)'. The bits are placed into the OCTET STRING in the following order: octet 0 octet 1 octet 2 ... bits 7-0 bits 7-0 bits 7-0 ... ports 1-8 ports 9-16 ports 17-24 ... Values of unused bits in the last octet are undefined." ::= { hpRptrBasicGroupEntry 4 } hpRptrGrpPortsLinkbeatEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The hpRptrGrpPortsLinkbeatEnabled is a bit map of the state of the hpRptrPtLinkbeatEnable object for all of the ports in this group. The object has a one bit for each port for which the value of hpRptrPtLinkbeatEnable is equal to 'true(1)' and a zero bit for each port for which the value of hpRptrPtLinkbeatEnable is equal to 'false(2)'. The bits are placed into the OCTET STRING in the following order: octet 0 octet 1 octet 2 ... bits 7-0 bits 7-0 bits 7-0 ... ports 1-8 ports 9-16 ports 17-24 ... Values of unused bits in the last octet are undefined." ::= { hpRptrBasicGroupEntry 5 } hpRptrGrpPortsOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The hpRptrGrpPortsOperStatus is a bit map of the state of all hub ports in the group. The object has a 1 bit for each port that is enabled, not segmented, and the media is available. Ports on which these conditions are not true have a 0 bit. The bits are placed into the OCTET STRING in the following order: octet 0 octet 1 octet 2 ... bits 7-0 bits 7-0 bits 7-0 ... ports 1-8 ports 9-16 ports 17-24 ... Values of unused bits in the last octet are undefined." ::= { hpRptrBasicGroupEntry 6 } hpRptrBasicPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpRptrBasic 3 } hpRptrBasicPtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpRptrBasicPtEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HP specific extensions to the rptrPortTable." ::= { hpRptrBasicPort 1 } hpRptrBasicPtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpRptrBasicPtEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing HP extensions for a specific port." INDEX { hpRptrPtGroupIndex, hpRptrPtPortIndex } ::= { hpRptrBasicPtTable 1 } HpRptrBasicPtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpRptrPtGroupIndex INTEGER, hpRptrPtPortIndex INTEGER, hpRptrPtLinkbeatEnable TruthValue, hpRptrPtPolarityReversed TruthValue, hpRptrPtSqeEnabled TruthValue, hpRptrPtMediaAvailTrapEnable TruthValue, hpRptrPtLongCableEnable TruthValue } hpRptrPtGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The group containing the port for which this entry contains information. This object has the same value as the corresponding instance of rptrPortGroupIndex." ::= { hpRptrBasicPtEntry 1 } hpRptrPtPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port within the group for which this entry contains information. This object has the same value as the corresponding instance of rptrPortIndex." ::= { hpRptrBasicPtEntry 2 } hpRptrPtLinkbeatEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When this flag is set to 'true' the port's link beat is enabled and when set to 'false' it is disabled." ::= { hpRptrBasicPtEntry 3 } hpRptrPtPolarityReversed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object is used to indicate that the hub port was wired with the positive/negative polarity of its transmit and receive pairs reversed. Note that the port will continue to operate in this state, with the hub inverting the polarity internally." ::= { hpRptrBasicPtEntry 4 } hpRptrPtSqeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When 'true', this flag indicates that SQE has been detected for the last ten agent transmits and there is a high probability that the SQE switch on the transceiver attached to this port is set to Enabled, when it should be Disabled. This value can only be 'true' on AUI ports." ::= { hpRptrBasicPtEntry 5 } hpRptrPtMediaAvailTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether hpicfMediaAvailDetectTrap and hpicfMediaAvailLostTrap events should be generated for MAUs attached to this port. This object has the value of 'false' by default. Setting the value of this object to 'true' will cause a hpicfMediaAvailDetectTrap event to be generated whenever an instance of rpMauMediaAvailable object associated with a MAU attached to this port enters the 'available' state, and a hpicfMediaAvailLostTrap to be generated whenever an instance of the rpMauMediaAvailable object associated with a MAU attached to this port exits the 'available' state. Note that the disposition of these events is controlled by the RMON eventTable. We recommend that this object is only be set to 'true' on important ports, such as cascade ports and ports attached to routers bridges, switches, or servers. Setting this object to 'true' on other ports may cause irrelevant traps. For example, it is unlikely that an administrator would want to receive a trap every time a user turns their PC off." ::= { hpRptrBasicPtEntry 6 } hpRptrPtLongCableEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When this flag is set to 'true' the port's squelch level will be reduced to account for extended distance connections. When set to 'false', this port's squelch level will be normal. We recommend that this object only be set to 'true' for ports that are actually connected to long cables." ::= { hpRptrBasicPtEntry 7 } hpRptrMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRepeater 2 } hpRptrMonitorGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpRptrMonitor 1 } hpRptrMonCounters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpRptrMonitorGlobal 1 } hpRptrMonGlobalFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The total number of frames of valid frame length that have been received on all ports in this repeater. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortReadableFrames counter for all of the ports in this repeater. Equivalently, this counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorGroupTotalFrames counter for all of the port groups in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortReadableFrames and rptrMonitorGroupTotalFrames, and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aReadableFrames." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 1 } hpRptrMonGlobalOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The total number of octets contained in the valid frames that have been received on the ports in this repeater. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortReadableOctets counter for all of the ports in this repeater. Equivalently, this counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorGroupTotalOctets counter for all of the port groups in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortReadableOctets and rptrMonitorGroupTotalOctets, and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aReadableOctets." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 2 } hpRptrMonGlobalFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each frame received on any port with the FCSError signal asserted and the FramingError and CollisionEvent signals deasserted and whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize (Ref:, IEEE 802.3 Std). This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortFCSErrors counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortFCSErrors and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aFrameCheckSequenceErrors." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 3 } hpRptrMonGlobalAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each frame received on any port with the FCSError and FramingError signals asserted and CollisonEvent signal deasserted and whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize (Ref:, IEEE 802.3 Std). If hpRptrMonGlobalAlignmentErrors is incremented, then the hpRptrMonGlobalFCSErorrs counter shall not be incremented for the same frame. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortAlignmentErrors counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortAlignmentErrors and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aAlignmentErrors." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 4 } hpRptrMonGlobalFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each frame received on any port whose OctetCount is greater than maxFrameSize (Ref:, IEEE 802.3 Std). If hpRptrMonGlobalFrameTooLongs is incremented, then neither the hpRptrMonGlobalAlignmentErorrs nor the hpRptrMonGlobalFCSErrors counter shall be incremented for the frame. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortFrameTooLongs counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortFrameTooLongs and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aFramesTooLong" ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 5 } hpRptrMonGlobalShortEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each CarrierEvent on any port with ActivityDuration less than ShortEventMaxTime. ShortEventMaxTime is greater than 74 bit times and less than 82 bit times. ShortEventMaxTime has tolerances included to provide for circuit losses between a conformance test point at the AUI and the measurement point within the state machine. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortShortEvents counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortShortEvents and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aShortEvents." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 6 } hpRptrMonGlobalRunts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each CarrierEvent on any port that meets one of the following two conditions. Only one test need be made. a) The ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMaxTime and less than ValidPacketMinTime and the CollisionEvent signal is deasserted. b) The OctetCount is less than 64, the ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMaxTime and the CollisionEvent signal is deasserted. ValidPacketMinTime is greater than or equal to 552 bit times but less than 565 bit times. An event whose length is greater than 74 bit times but less than 82 bit times shall increment either the hpRptrMonGlobalShortEvents counter or the hpRptrMonGlobalRunts counter but not both. A CarrierEvent greater than or equal to 552 bit times but less than 565 bit times may or may not increment the hpRptrMonGlobalRunts counter. ValidPacketMinTime has tolerances included to provide for circuit losses between a conformance test point at the AUI and the measurement point within the state machine. Runts usually indicate collision fragments, a normal network event. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortRunts counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortRunts and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aRunts." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 7 } hpRptrMonGlobalCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for any CarrierEvent signal on any port for which the CollisionEvent signal on any port is asserted. This counter differs from rptrMonitorTransmitCollisions in that it counts all collisions seen by this repeater, even those involving only a single port on this repeater, whereas rptrMonitorTransmitCollisions counts only collisions involving multiple ports on this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortCollisions and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aCollisions." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 8 } hpRptrMonGlobalLateEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each CarrierEvent on any port in which the CollIn(X) variable transitions to the value SQE (Ref:, IEEE 802.3 Std) while the ActivityDuration is greater than the LateEventThreshold. Such a CarrierEvent is counted twice, as both hpRptrMonGlobalCollisions and hpRptrMonGlobalLateEvents. The LateEventThreshold is greater than 480 bit times and less than 565 bit times. LateEventThreshold has tolerances included to permit an implementation to build a single threshold to serve as both the LateEventThreshold and ValidPacketMinTime threshold. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortLateEvents counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortLateEvents and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aLateEvents." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 9 } hpRptrMonGlobalVeryLongEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each CarrierEvent on any port whose ActivityDuration is greater than the MAU Jabber Lockup Protection timer TW3 (Ref: 9.6.1 & 9.6.5, IEEE 802.3 Std). Other counters may be incremented as appropriate. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortVeryLongEvents counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortVeryLongEvents and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aVeryLongEvents." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 10 } hpRptrMonGlobalDataRateMismatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each frame received on any port that meets all of the following conditions: a) The CollisionEvent signal is not asserted. b) The ActivityDuration is greater than ValidPacketMinTime. c) The frequency (data rate) is detectably mismatched from the local transmit frequency. The exact degree of mismatch is vendor specific and is to be defined by the vendor for conformance testing. When this event occurs, other counters whose increment conditions were satisfied may or may not also be incremented. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortDatRateMismatches counter for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortDataRateMismatches and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aDataRateMismatches." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 11 } hpRptrMonGlobalAutoPartitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each time the repeater has automatically partitioned any port. The conditions that cause port partitioning are specified in the partition state machine in Section 9 of the IEEE 802.3 Std. This counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortAutoPartitions for all of the ports in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516 rptrMonitorPortAutoPartitions and IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aAutoPartitions." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 12 } hpRptrMonGlobalErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* The total number of errors which have occured on any port in this repeater. This counter is the summation of the values of other error counters, namely: hpRptrMonGlobalFCSErrors, hpRptrMonGlobalAlignmentErrors, hpRptrMonGlobalFrameTooLongs, hpRptrMonGlobalShortEvents, hpRptrMonGlobalLateEvents, hpRptrMonGlobalVeryLongEvents, and hpRptrMonGlobalDataRateMismatches. Equivalently, this counter is the summation of the values of the rptrMonitorPortTotalErrors counter for all of the ports in this repeater, or it is the summation of the values of rptrMonitorGroupTotalErrors for all of the port groups in this repeater." REFERENCE "RFC 1516, rptrMonitorGroupTotalErrors and hpRptrMonitorPortTotalErrors." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 13 } hpRptrMonGlobalUcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each unicast packet of valid frame length received on any port. This counter is the summation of hpRptrMonPortUcastPackets for all of the ports in this repeater. This counter may not be implemented for repeaters which do not have a local network management agent." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 14 } hpRptrMonGlobalBcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each broadcast packet of valid frame length received on any port. This counter is the summation of hpRptrMonPortBcastPackets for all of the ports in this repeater. This counter may not be implemented for repeaters which do not have a local network management agent." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 15 } hpRptrMonGlobalMcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* This counter is incremented by one for each multicast packet of valid frame length received on any port. This counter is the summation of hpRptrMonPortMcastPackets for all of the ports in this repeater. This counter may not be implemented for repeaters which do not have a local network management agent." ::= { hpRptrMonCounters 16 } hpRptrMonitorGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpRptrMonitor 2 } hpRptrMonitorPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpRptrMonitor 3 } hpRptrMonPtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpRptrMonPtEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of HP specific per port monitor objects." ::= { hpRptrMonitorPort 1 } hpRptrMonPtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpRptrMonPtEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing per port objects for a single port." INDEX { hpRptrMonPtGroupIndex, hpRptrMonPtPortIndex } ::= { hpRptrMonPtTable 1 } HpRptrMonPtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpRptrMonPtGroupIndex INTEGER, hpRptrMonPtPortIndex INTEGER, hpRptrMonPtUcastPackets Counter, hpRptrMonPtBcastPackets Counter, hpRptrMonPtMcastPackets Counter } hpRptrMonPtGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The group containing the port for which this entry contains information. This object has the same value as the corresponding instance of rptrMonitorPortGroupIndex." ::= { hpRptrMonPtEntry 1 } hpRptrMonPtPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port within the group for which this entry contains information. This object has the same value as the corresponding instance of rptrMonitorPortIndex." ::= { hpRptrMonPtEntry 2 } hpRptrMonPtUcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This counter is incremented by one for each unicast packet of valid frame length received on this port. This object may not be implemented for repeaters which do not have a local network management agent." ::= { hpRptrMonPtEntry 3 } hpRptrMonPtBcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This counter is incremented by one for each broadcast packet of valid frame length received on this port. This object may not be implemented for repeaters which do not have a local network management agent." ::= { hpRptrMonPtEntry 4 } hpRptrMonPtMcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This counter is incremented by one for each multicast packet of valid frame length received on this port. This object may not be implemented for repeaters which do not have a local network management agent." ::= { hpRptrMonPtEntry 5 } hpRpMauGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfRepeater 4 } hpRpMauTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpRpMauEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the rpMauTable." ::= { hpRpMauGroup 1 } hpRpMauEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpRpMauEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing HP extensions for a single MAU." INDEX { rpMauGroupIndex, rpMauPortIndex, rpMauIndex } ::= { hpRpMauTable 1 } HpRpMauEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpRpMauTypeList OCTET STRING, hpRpMauAutoNegSupported TruthValue, hpRpMauAutoNegAdminStatus INTEGER, hpRpMauAutoNegRemoteSignaling INTEGER, hpRpMauAutoNegConfig INTEGER, hpRpMauAutoNegCapReceived OCTET STRING, hpRpMauAutoNegRestart INTEGER } hpRpMauTypeList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BITS { bOther(0), -- other or unknown bAUI(1), -- AUI b10base5(2), -- 10BASE-5 bFoirl(3), -- FOIRL b10base2(4), -- 10BASE-2 b10baseT(5), -- 10BASE-T duplex mode unknown b10baseFP(6), -- 10BASE-FP b10baseFB(7), -- 10BASE-FB b10baseFL(8), -- 10BASE-FL duplex mode unknown b10broad36(9), -- 10BROAD36 b10baseTHD(10), -- 10BASE-T half duplex mode b10baseTFD(11), -- 10BASE-T full duplex mode b10baseFLHD(12), -- 10BASE-FL half duplex mode b10baseFLFD(13), -- 10BASE-FL full duplex mode b100baseT4(14), -- 100BASE-T4 b100baseTXHD(15), -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode b100baseTXFD(16), -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode b100baseFXHD(17), -- 100BASE-FX half duplex mode b100baseFXFD(18), -- 100BASE-FX full duplex mode b100baseT2HD(19), -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode b100baseT2FD(20) -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode } A value that uniquely identifies the set of possible IEEE 802.3 types that the MAU could be. If auto-negotiation is present on this MAU, this object will map to hpRpMauAutoNegCapability. Note that a repeater can never actually support the full-duplex MAU types. The bits for them are retained to keep the bit values consistent with ifMauTypeListBits." ::= { hpRpMauEntry 1 } hpRpMauAutoNegSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not auto-negotiation is supported on this MAU." ::= { hpRpMauEntry 2 } hpRpMauAutoNegAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { autoNegotiate(1), forceTo100TXHD(2), forceTo10THD(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to autoNegotiate(1) will cause auto-negotiation to be enabled on this port. Setting this object to forceTo100TXHD will cause auto-negotiation to be disabled on this port, and cause the operational type of the MAU on this port (as reported by rpMauType) to transition to dot3MauType100BaseTXHD. Setting this object to forceTo10THD will cause auto-negotiation to be disabled on this port, and cause the operational type of the MAU on this port (as reported by rpMauType) to transition to dot3MauType10BaseTHD." ::= { hpRpMauEntry 3 } hpRpMauAutoNegRemoteSignaling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { detected(1), notdetected(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value indicating whether the remote end of the link is using auto-negotiation signaling. It takes the value detected(1) if and only if, during the previous link negotiation, FLP Bursts were received." REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Mgt],, aAutoNegRemoteSignaling." ::= { hpRpMauEntry 4 } hpRpMauAutoNegConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), configuring(2), complete(3), disabled(4), parallelDetectFail(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the current status of the auto-negotiation process. The enumeration parallelDetectFail(5) maps to a failure in parallel detection as defined in of [IEEE 802.3 Std]." REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Mgt],, aAutoNegAutoConfig." ::= { hpRpMauEntry 5 } hpRpMauAutoNegCapReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BITS { bOther(0), -- other or unknown b10baseT(1), -- 10BASE-T half duplex mode b10baseTFD(2), -- 10BASE-T full duplex mode b100baseT4(3), -- 100BASE-T4 b100baseTX(4), -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode b100baseTXFD(5), -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode b100baseT2(6), -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode b100baseT2FD(7) -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode } A value that uniquely identifies the set of capabilities received from the remote auto-negotiation entity. Note that ports that support this MIB may be attached to remote auto-negotiation entities which have capabilities beyond the scope of this MIB." REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Mgt],, aAutoNegReceivedTechnologyAbility." ::= { hpRpMauEntry 6 } hpRpMauAutoNegRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { restart(1), norestart(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the value of this object is set to restart(1) then this will force auto-negotiation to begin link renegotiation. If auto-negotiation signaling is disabled, a write to this object has no effect. Setting the value of this object to norestart(2) has no effect." REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Mgt],, acAutoNegRestartAutoConfig." ::= { hpRpMauEntry 7 } hpicfLinkBeatTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE { hpicf8023RptrTraps } VARIABLES { rpMauMediaAvailable } DESCRIPTION "********* THIS NOTIFICATION IS DEPRECATED ********* A hpicfLinkBeatTrap is device type specific to ICF hubs. It signifies that the hub hardware has detected a change of state in a port's link beat status. The current value of the port's link beat status is returned in the PDU. This trap has been deprecated. It is replaced by the hpicfMediaAvailDetectTrap and the hpicfMediaAvailLostTrap." ::= 1 hpicfPartitionTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE { hpicf8023RptrTraps } VARIABLES { rptrPortAutoPartitionState } DESCRIPTION "********* THIS NOTIFICATION IS DEPRECATED ********* A hpicfPartitionTrap is device type specific to ICF hubs. It signifies that the hub hardware has detected a change of state in a port's partition status. The current value of the port's partition status is returned in the PDU. This trap has been deprecated. It is replaced by the hpicfPortPartitionTrap and the hpicfPortHealTrap." ::= 2 hpicfMediaAvailDetectTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE { hpicf8023RptrTraps } VARIABLES { rpMauMediaAvailable } DESCRIPTION "A hpicfMediaAvailDetectTraps is device type specific to ICF hubs. It signifies that the hub hardware has detected an instance of rpMauMediaAvailable for one of the repeater's ports has entered the 'available' state from some other state. Note that this trap is only generated for instances of rpMauMediaAvailable associated with MAUs attached to repeater ports for which the corresponding instance of the hpRptrPtMediaAvailTrapEnable object is equal to 'true'. The previous value of the instance of the rpMauMediaAvailable object that entered the 'active' state is returned in the PDU." ::= 3 hpicfMediaAvailLostTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE { hpicf8023RptrTraps } VARIABLES { rpMauMediaAvailable } DESCRIPTION "A hpicfMediaAvailLostTraps is device type specific to ICF hubs. It signifies that the hub hardware has detected an instance of rpMauMediaAvailable for one of the repeater's ports that had been in the 'available' state has exited that state. Note that this trap is only generated for instances of rpMauMediaAvailable associated with MAUs attached to repeater ports for which the corresponding instance of the hpRptrPtMediaAvailTrapEnable object is equal to 'true'. The new value of the instance of the rpMauMediaAvailable object that exited the 'active' state is returned in the PDU." ::= 4 hpicfPortPartitionTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE { hpicf8023RptrTraps } VARIABLES { rptrPortAutoPartitionState } DESCRIPTION "A hpicfPortPartitionTrap is device type specific to ICF hubs. It signifies that the hub hardware has detected that an instance of rptrPortAutoPartitionState for one of the repeater's ports has changed from the 'notAutoPartitioned' state to the 'autoPartitioned' state. The current value of the instance of the rptrPortAutoPartitionState for the port that auto-partitioned is returned in the PDU." ::= 5 hpicfPortHealTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE { hpicf8023RptrTraps } VARIABLES { rptrPortAutoPartitionState } DESCRIPTION "A hpicfPortHealTrap is device type specific to ICF hubs. It signifies that the hub hardware has detected that an instance of rptrPortAutoPartitionState for one of the repeater's ports has changed from the 'autoPartitioned' state to the 'notAutoPartitioned' state. The current value of the instance of the rptrPortAutoPartitionState for the port that healed is returned in the PDU." ::= 6 hpicf8023RptrConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrMib 1 } hpicf8023RptrCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrConformance 1 } hpicf8023RptrGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrConformance 2 } hpicf8023RptrCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrCompliances 1 } hpicf8023RptrSlaveCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrCompliances 2 } hpicf8023MultiRptrCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrCompliances 3 } hpicf8023RptrAutoNegCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrCompliances 4 } hpicf8023RptrBasicGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 1 } hpicf8023RptrBasicSlaveGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 2 } hpicf8023RptrMonitorGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 3 } hpicf8023RptrMonitorSlaveGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 4 } hpicf8023MultiRptrBasicGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 5 } hpicf8023MultiRptrMonitorGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 6 } hpicf8023RptrNotifyGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 7 } hpicf8023MultiRptrNotifyGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 8 } hpicf8023RpMauAutoNegGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 9 } hpicf8023Rptr100BasicGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicf8023RptrGroups 10 } END