GWSMTPMIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Counter, TimeTicks, Gauge, enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212; novell OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 23 } gateways OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { novell 2 } gwsmtp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gateways 51 } gwsmtpInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gwsmtp 1 } gwsmtpTrapInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gwsmtp 2 } gwsmtpTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gwsmtp 3 } -- ================================= GWSMTP GWE Get/Set Variables ========= gwsmtpGatewayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The GroupWise SMTP Gateway name." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 1 } gwsmtpTimeUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Uptime of the GroupWise SMTP Gateway." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 2 } gwsmtpLinkGroupWise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GroupWise SMTP Gateway Link: UP or DOWN" ::= { gwsmtpInfo 3 } gwsmtpLinkFrgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "GroupWise SMTP Gateway Foreign Link: UP or DOWN" ::= { gwsmtpInfo 4 } gwsmtpStatBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of message bytes sent to GroupWise SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 5 } gwsmtpStatBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of message bytes received from GroupWise SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 6 } gwsmtpStatMsgsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages sent to GroupWise SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 7 } gwsmtpStatMsgsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages received from SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 8 } gwsmtpStatStatusesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of statuses sent to SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 9 } gwsmtpStatStatusesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of statuses received from SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 10 } gwsmtpStatErrorsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of failed transfers to SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 11 } gwsmtpStatErrorsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of failed transfers from SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 12 } gwsmtpStatTimeReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time since statistics were reset on SMTP Gateway." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 13 } gwsmtpQueueWpcsout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages to be processed by SMTP (WPCSOUT)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 14 } gwsmtpQueueWpcsin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages to be processed by GroupWise Message Server (WPCSIN)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 15 } gwsmtpQueueGwhold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number messages holding for later processing by SMTP (GWHOLD)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 16 } gwsmtpQueueGwprob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number messages in SMTP's problem directory (GWPROB)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 17 } gwsmtpStatInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Statistics interval for the GroupWise SMTP Gateway." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 18 } gwsmtpStatIntervalMsgsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages sent to GroupWise SMTP in statistics interval." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 19 } gwsmtpStatIntervalMsgsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages received from SMTP in statistics interval." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 20 } gwsmtpStatIntervalStatusesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of statuses sent to SMTP in statistics interval." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 21 } gwsmtpStatIntervalStatusesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of statuses received from SMTP in statistics interval." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 22 } gwsmtpStatIntervalErrorsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of failed transfers to SMTP in statistics interval." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 23 } gwsmtpStatIntervalErrorsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of failed transfers from SMTP in statistics interval." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 24 } gwsmtpQThresholdCheckInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes between directory scans or directory threshold traps for SMTP." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 25 } gwsmtpQThresholdWpcsout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages waiting for SMTP gateway before firing threshold trap (WPCSOUT)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 26 } gwsmtpQThresholdWpcsin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages waiting for Message Server from SMTP before firing threshold trap (WPCSIN)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 27 } gwsmtpQThresholdGwhold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of defered messages waiting for SMTP gateway before firing threshold trap (GWHOLD)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 28 } gwsmtpQThresholdGwprob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of problem messages SMTP gateway moved before firing threshold trap (GWPROB)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 29 } gwsmtpThresholdMsgSizeIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The max size of an incoming message the SMTP gateway can process before firing threshold trap." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 30 } gwsmtpThresholdMsgSizeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The max size of an outgoing message the SMTP gateway can process before firing threshold trap." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 31 } gwsmtpActionResetStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } ACCESS write-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset the SMTP gateway statistics." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 32 } gwsmtpActionRestartGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { restart(1) } ACCESS write-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Restart the SMTP gateway." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 33 } -- ============================= GWSMTP specific Get/Set Variables ========= gwsmtpdThreadsAvailSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon send threads available." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 48 } gwsmtpdThreadsAvailReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon receive threads available." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 49 } gwsmtpdThreadsActiveSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon send threads active." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 50 } gwsmtpdThreadsActiveReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon receive threads active." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 51 } gwsmtpdErrorsMXLookup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon DNS MX lookup errors." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 52 } gwsmtpdErrorsHostsUnknown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon unknown destination hosts." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 53 } gwsmtpdErrorsHostsDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon TCP/IP connect errors." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 54 } gwsmtpdErrorsTCPRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon TCP/IP read errors." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 55 } gwsmtpdErrorsTCPWrite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon TCP/IP write errors." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 56 } gwsmtpdMessagesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon messages received." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 57 } gwsmtpdMessagesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of SMTP Daemon messages sent." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 58 } gwsmtpQThresholdSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of send messages SMTP gateway can queue to daemon before firing threshold trap (SEND)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 59 } gwsmtpQThresholdReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages queued by daemon for SMTP gateway before firing threshold trap (RECEIVE)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 60 } gwsmtpQThresholdDefer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages to have daemon retry sending for SMTP gateway before firing threshold trap (DEFER)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 61 } gwsmtpQueueSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages queued to daemon for SMTP gateway (SEND)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 62 } gwsmtpQueueReceive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages queued to SMTP gateway from daemon (RECEIVE)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 63 } gwsmtpQueueDefer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of messages queued to retry for daemon on SMTP gateway (DEFER)." ::= { gwsmtpInfo 64 } -- ================================================== gwsmtpTrapInfo ======== -- The gwsmtpTrapInfo group -- These objects are used only in traps produced by GWSMTP gwsmtpTrapTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time the trap occurred. Seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (GMT)" ::= { gwsmtpTrapInfo 1 } gwsmtpTrapDomainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Domain for which this gateway operates." ::= { gwsmtpTrapInfo 2 } -- ============================================== GWSMTP GWE Traps ========= gwsmtpStartTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "GroupWise SMTP Gateway start." --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "GroupWise SMTP Gateway start." --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has started." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1 gwsmtpStopTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "GroupWise SMTP Gateway stop." --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "GroupWise SMTP Gateway stop." --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has stopped." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2 gwsmtpRestartTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "GroupWise SMTP Gateway restart." --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "GroupWise SMTP Gateway restart." --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has been restarted." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 3 gwsmtpGroupWiseLinkTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "GroupWise Link lost by GroupWise SMTP Gateway" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "GroupWise Link lost by GroupWise SMTP Gateway" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has lost its GroupWise Link" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 4 gwsmtpMovedToProbTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "Problem message moved to GWPROB directory for SMTP gateway" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "Problem message moved to GWPROB directory for SMTP gateway" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s moved a problem message to GWPROB" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 6 gwsmtpWpcsoutThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "Threshold for messages to be processed by SMTP gateway has been exceeded (WPCSOUT)" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "Threshold for messages to be processed by SMTP gateway has been exceeded (WPCSOUT)" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for messages to be processed (WPCSOUT)" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 7 gwsmtpWpcsinThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for processed messages by SMTP gateway has been exceeded (WPCSIN)" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for processed messages by SMTP gateway has been exceeded (WPCSIN)" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for processed messages (WPCSIN)" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8 gwsmtpGwholdThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for defered messages in hold area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (GWHOLD)" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for defered messages in hold area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (GWHOLD)" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for defered messages (GWHOLD)" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 9 gwsmtpGwprobThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for problem messages in problem area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (GWPROB)" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for problem messages in problem area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (GWPROB)" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for problem messages (GWPROB)" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 10 gwsmtpInSizeThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for a incomming message for SMTP gateway has been exceeded" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for a incomming message for SMTP gateway has been exceeded" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for a incomming message" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 11 gwsmtpOutSizeThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for a outgoing message for SMTP gateway has been exceeded" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for a outgoing message for SMTP gateway has been exceeded" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for a outgoing message" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 12 -- ======================================== GWSMTP specific Traps ========= gwsmtpReadErrorTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "TCP/IP read error on GroupWise SMTP Gateway daemon" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "TCP/IP read error on GroupWise SMTP Gateway daemon" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s had a TCP/IP read error - connection dropped" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 32 gwsmtpWriteErrorTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "TCP/IP write error on GroupWise SMTP Gateway daemon" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "TCP/IP write error on GroupWise SMTP Gateway daemon" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s had a TCP/IP write error - connection dropped" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 33 gwsmtpSendThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for messages in daemon send area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (SEND)" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for messages in daemon send area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (SEND)" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for daemon send messages (SEND)" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 34 gwsmtpReceiveThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for messages in daemon receive area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (RECEIVE)" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for messages in daemon receive area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (RECEIVE)" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for received daemon messages (RECEIVE)" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 35 gwsmtpDeferThreshTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE gwsmtpTraps VARIABLES {gwsmtpTrapTime, gwsmtpGatewayName} DESCRIPTION "The threshold for messages in daemon defer area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (DEFER)" --NMS Trap annotation --#TYPE "The threshold for messages in daemon defer area for SMTP gateway has been exceeded (DEFER)" --#SUMMARY "GroupWise SMTP Gateway %s has exceeded its threshold for daemon defer messages (DEFER)" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 0 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 36 END