Monitor Type: Databases

Monitor Parameters: Monitor Type

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Monitor Type: Databases

Monitor Type Properties
MS SQL database

SQL Expression – is an SQL statement to execute. The first column of the first row of the result set returned will be interpreted as an INTEGER number (performance value).

Connection – is a setting that specifies how to connect to the SQL server. Connection can be established either using a TCP port or server instance name. The SQL Server Browser needs to be run on a remote host for instance name resolving.

TCP Port – is a port for TCP/IP connection to the database (integer, by default 1433).

Instance Name – is a server instance name (often can be found by running ‘select @@servername’ query). Leave it empty to connect to the default instance.

Database Name – is the name of the database.

Driver – is the driver to access SQL Server. You may be required to select MSOLEDBSQL or MSOLEDBSQL19 to monitor the modern versions of SQL Server. For more detailed information please refer to the following Knowledge Base article: How to use modern MS SQL driver?

Use Encryption – application may request encryption of all SQL-related network traffic. Without it SQL Server encrypts only network packets associated with logging in.

Authentication section – specifies authentication method on SQL Server:

  • Windows Authentication
    • Use common Windows account: domain, user name and password specified in the Credentials section below;
    • Use monitoring account, usually SYSTEM;
  • MS SQL Server Authentication – allows to use MS SQL Server specific user;

SQL Server Login and SQL Server Password – allow to set MS SQL Server account to access the database. This account can be specific to SQL server, and not be a Windows account.

TCP/IP protocol should be enabled in Sql Server Configuration Manager for the IP address used by the monitor’s host (you can enable it on the SQL Server Network Configuration panel for the server being monitored).

“SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode” should be enabled on Server Configuration Manager Properties -&gt Security page in order to use either Windows or MS SQL Server authentication.

MySQL database

Port (integer, typically 3306).

SQL Expression – is an SQL statement to execute. The first column of the first row of the result set returned will be interpreted as an INTEGER number (performance value).

Database name – is the name of the database.

Use SSL Connection – defines whether to use a secure (SSL) connection to authenticate. In order to use this connection, the server must be configured to accept it.

Trusted CA Path – is a path to the directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format or a path to the file itself. Different MySQL clients can support either one or another option (depends on whether the mysql client was compiled with yaSSL or OpenSSL). If you followed our instruction on how to configure a MySQL monitor, then you should specify a path to the file(SSL CA certificate). If you use, for example, Oracle’s MySQL client(Oracle General Availability), then you may choose either of two options.

Authentication – this monitor uses the credentials selected in the Credentials section to access the database.

Refer to the Knowledge Base article for configuration details.

ODBC database

SQL Expression – is an SQL statement to execute. The first column of the first row of the result set returned will be interpreted as an INTEGER number (performance value).

DSN or Connection String – is either a data source name (DSN) registered on the host computer where the monitoring service is running or an ODBC connection string. When the DSN form of this parameter is used, it identifies an ODBC data source record that stores the name of a database instance and options sufficient to obtain an ODBC connection. You can define a data source on the Data Sources (ODBC) page of the Administrative Tools system dialog available from Control Panel.

Note: the data source should be registered as System DSN in order to be accessible by the monitoring service. The service cannot access User DSNs since it runs under the Local System account by default, not under some user account. For the same reason, please do not use Windows NT Authentication when connecting to the database. Specify valid database user credentials directly in the DSN settings instead.

Service Name

When the ODBC connection name rather than DSN is specified in this parameter, it should be a complete connection string that contains all the parameters sufficient to establish ODBC connection. For example, the connection string below can be used to connect to the IPHost Network Monitor database that contains the monitoring system configuration and performance data:

DRIVER=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver; UID=SYSDBA; PWD=fb@iph0st; DBNAME=localhost/3055:C:\ProgramData\IPHost Network Monitor\data\NMS.FDB; CLIENT=C:\Program Files\IPHost Network Monitor\firebird\bin\fbclient.dll; CHARSET=UTF8; DIALECT=3;

This connection string assumes that you are using the default installation path and that an ODBC driver for Firebird available here is installed.

Authentication – this monitor uses the credentials selected in the Credentials section below. The credentials can also be specified in the DSN settings, so the Credentials section can be empty. When using a connection string rather than DSN, you can specify credentials as part of this string or as separate parameters, which (when specified) take precedence over the ones provided in the connection string.

Oracle database

SQL Expression – is an SQL statement to execute. The first column of the first row of the result set returned will be interpreted as an INTEGER number (performance value).

Database Name – is the name of a database instance.

Port (integer, by default 1521).

Authentication – this monitor uses the credentials selected in the Credentials section to access the database.

Refer to the Knowledge Base article for configuration details.

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