Monitors included into Templates for Web Servers – Nginx Web Server (commercial) template
Monitors connections data, traffic data, and health of Nginx servers (commercial version). More about templates.
Monitors list
Monitors description
Uptime, days (enabled by default) The time Nginx server has been running for, days.
Connections Accepted (enabled by default) The total number of accepted client connections.
Connections Dropped (enabled by default) The total number of dropped client connections.
Responses with Status Other Than 2xx (enabled by default) The total number of responses with status codes 1xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx.
Requests Served The total number of client requests.
Connections Active The current number of active client connections.
Requests Current The current number of client requests.
Upstream Servers not up The total number of upstream servers which states are not “up”.
Traffic Sent to All Upstream Servers, KB The total number of kilobytes sent to all upstream servers.
Traffic Received from All Upstream Servers, KB The total number of kilobytes received from all upstream servers.
Sum of Downtime for All Upstream Servers, hours Sum of all times the upstream servers were in “unavail” or “unhealthy” states, hours.
Templates overview
IPHost Network Monitor provides application templates (or just “templates” later in document), to create multiple relevant monitors in only a few clicks. Templates facilitate adding typical monitors sets; this can be particularly useful in case of big networks, when creating same-type monitors for many same-type devices is a common task. Application templates are sets of monitors that can be added, using specific predefined parameters, for a given host at once. The said set, added for given host, is displayed as a separate node in tree view pane, and is named application.
There are predefined templates; user can as well generate templates of their own – either out of existing monitors, or by cloning a predefined template. User-added template definitions are saved in XML files and can thus be conveniently augmented or applied to specific needs.